NLC President
- Provides overall leadership during the year working closely with the NLC Executive Director;
- Speaks on behalf of NLC on a wide range of issues through speeches, statements prepared by the staff on various issues, press conferences, testimony and in meetings with key national leaders;
- Shapes NLC’s direction and priorities, working with the NLC Officers and the Executive Director, to strengthen and promote NLC’s aspirations (to develop better cities/towns and their leaders) and to enhance the value of NLC to cities and towns of all sizes;
- Supports staff efforts to recruit and retain NLC direct member cities;
- Leads NLC’s advocacy and lobbying work to achieve positive outcomes for the priorities that the Officers/Board set at the January Executive Committee Meeting, including: (1) ensuring attention to the priorities; (2) leading and participating in lobbying campaigns; (3) representing NLC at meetings with key decision makers; (4) energizing other city officials to participate in the lobbying agenda; and (5) communicating about the agenda in speeches, President’s columns and reports to the membership;
- Makes leadership appointments with input from other NLC Officers and the state municipal league directors;
- Appoints city officials as leaders and members of the NLC standing committees, councils and panels, with input from various sources, including the state municipal league directors;
- Establishes special committees as needed for action during the governance year;
- Selects the date and location for the January Executive Committee Meeting and presides at that meeting;
- Chairs the NLC Officers’ meetings and the Board of Director meetings and hosts the summer Board meeting;
- Addresses the delegates during the Congressional City Conference and the Congress of Cities highlighting NLC priorities and accomplishments;
- Serves as the primary NLC spokesperson at press conferences during either or both annual conferences and during the year based on issues that may arise;
- Represents NLC by speaking at state municipal league annual conferences: the President generally attends between six to seven state league meetings with emphasis on states with the largest number of NLC member cities and others based on invitation, rotation and President’s personal interest (with the schedule developed by NLC and draft speeches prepared by NLC);
- Recognizes staff and city officials through award presentations at the Congress of Cities;
- Moderates, convenes and serves as a “welcomer” at many events during both annual conferences – first-time attendees orientation, President’s reception, orientation for new Board members, etc.;
- Appoints the NLC Board Nominating Committee;
- Chairs the Annual Business Meeting during the Congress of Cities; and
- Interacts regularly with the Executive Director on overall policy and emerging issues throughout the year.
NLC First Vice President
- Participates in the January Executive Committee Meeting to assist in setting the leadership agenda for the year;
- Helps to carry out the annual advocacy and lobbying agenda that emerges from the January Executive Committee Meeting;
- Participates in leadership meetings in Washington, DC, with other public interest groups, etc., when requested by the President;
- Supports staff efforts to recruit and retain NLC direct member cities;
- Chairs the Board’s Finance Committee which meets in conjunction with the March, June/July and November Board meetings and chairs the separate stand-alone Board Finance Committee meeting in June, to review, discuss and adopt the proposed annual NLC budget to present to the full Board of Directors at its June/July meeting;
- Chairs the NLC Board meeting when the President is unavailable;
- Presides at one or more general sessions at the Congress of Cities and the Congressional City Conference, depending on the overall program;
- Chairs the Resolutions Committee during the Congress of Cities;
- Chairs or serves on any other special groups at the request of the President;
- Represents NLC by speaking at state municipal league conventions when the President is unavailable or upon request by the state league. The First Vice President generally attends four to five state league meetings (with the schedule developed by NLC and draft speeches prepared by NLC);
- Participates in the orientation webinar for new Board members; and
- Represents the NLC leadership team at various conference events.
NLC Second Vice President
- Participates in the January Executive Committee Meeting to assist in setting the leadership agenda for the year;
- Helps to carry out the annual advocacy and lobbying agenda that emerges from the January leadership planning meeting;
- Participates in leadership meetings in Washington, DC, with other public interest groups, etc., when requested by the President;
- Supports staff efforts to recruit and retain NLC direct member cities;
- Chairs the Board’s Policy and Legislative Committee which meets in conjunction with the March, June/July and November Board meetings;
- Chairs the NLC Board meeting when the President and First Vice President are unavailable;
- Presides at one or more general sessions at the Congress of Cities and the Congressional City Conference, depending on the overall program;
- Represents NLC by speaking at state municipal league conventions when the President and First Vice President are unavailable or upon request by the state league. The Second Vice President has traditionally attended two to three state league meetings (with the schedule developed by NLC and draft speeches prepared by NLC);
- Participates in the orientation webinar for new Board members; and
- Represents the NLC leadership team at various conferences events.
NLC Immediate Past President
- Participates in the January Executive Committee Meeting to assist in setting the leadership agenda for the year;
- Chairs the NLC Nominating Committee;
- Chairs the Board’s Membership Committee;
- Supports staff efforts to recruit and retain NLC direct member cities;
- Participates in leadership meetings in Washington, DC, with other public interest groups, etc., when requested by the President;
- Serves, as needed, as a moderator for conference general sessions, depending on the program;
- Represents NLC by speaking at state municipal league conferences when the President, First Vice President and Second Vice President are unavailable; and
- Coordinates the annual performance review of the NLC Executive Director.